Public Engagement News – 2007–2009

Read about our 2007–2009 public events and activities

November 2009: 'Science at Sheffield' strand of events

November 2009: Event on stem cells for at Liberton High School

October 2009: CIR staff participate in the Edinburgh Beltane scheme

September 2009: Work of the CIR can help to inform public policy making

September 2009: The Perth and Kinross group of the MS Society came to visit the MS Centre in CIR on the 23rd September

August 2009: SCI-FUN engaging school children with an imaginative blend of education and entertainment

July 2009: Students from the CIR have been involved with the Scottish Initiative for Biotechnology Education

June 2009: CIR student takes part in a EU project

June 2009: Display on the human lung, measuring peak flow and lung capacity in visitors

March 2009: Workshop 'Viruses, Bioterrorism and Science in the Media' for school children in Edinburgh

January 2009: CIR researcher current chair for public engagement

September 2008: Stall on stem cells at the Royal Highland Show

March 2008: British Society of Gene Therapy "Meet the Scientists" visits

March 2007: Donald Davidson shadowed John Barrett (MP for Edinburgh West) at Westminster and his constituency for a week