Research interest in stem cells for musculoskeletal repair, musculoskeletal infection, novel cutting methodologies and impaired bone healing. Professor Hamish Simpson George Harrison Chair of Trauma and Orthopaedics Centre for Inflammation Research Contact details Work: +44 (0)131 242 6644 Email: Secretary - Kimberley Moore Ede: +44 (0)131 242 6644 Web: Academic Profile Group MembersChristine Beadle – Clinical Trials Co-ordinatorStephanie Collishaw – Laboratory Manager/Biomedical ScientistDr David Hamilton – Research FellowAneta Luczak - Research AssistantDeborah Macdonald – Database and Clinical Research ManagerMelanie Wheeldon - Research AssistantPrincipal Supervisor:Liam YappSamantha DownieYoke Yue ChowJamie NicholsonMurtadhah Mohammed Kurdi JalalJerry TsangAlex SehgalAssistant Supervisor/Co-supervisor:Joe BurnfordLouise RobiatiBackgroundProfessor Hamish Simpson is Professor of Orthopaedics & Trauma Department of Orthopaedic Surgery (George Harrison Law Chair of Orthopaedics at the University of Edinburgh) and Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon in the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery in Edinburgh Royal Infirmary, specialising in limb reconstruction, musculoskeletal infection and paediatric deformity. He studied at the universities of Cambridge and Oxford. He carried out his surgical training in Oxford, Bath and Gloucester. Prior to his current appointment, he was Professor of Orthopaedics in Oxford and Fellow of St Peter's college, Oxford.Research OverviewResearch interest in stem cells for musculoskeletal repair, musculoskeletal infection, novel cutting methodologies and impaired bone healing.Biographical ProfileChair of the British Orthopaedic Association research committeeChair of the research and education committee of the International Society of Fracture RepairEditor-in-Chief of the Bone & Joint Research journalPast Chair of the Scottish Committee for Orthopaedics and TraumaPast president of the Combined Services Orthopaedic SocietyPast president of the British Limb Reconstruction SocietyPast president of the Association of Professors of Orthopaedic SurgeryPast president of the British Orthopaedic Research SocietyHe has supervised >50 doctoral thesesHonours and AwardsHunterian Professor (RCS England)King James IV Professor (RCS Edinburgh)Robert Jones Lecturer (British Orthopaedic Association)Honorary Fellowship of the British Orthopaedic Research SocietyHonorary Fellowship of the American Orthopaedic Research SocietyFellow of International Orthopaedic Research SocietiesAlumniAdeel AkhtarKhalid Al-HouraniAnish AminRida BenfayedAdib Bin RosliGavin BrownRhys ClementNicholas ClementNoel ConliskGraham DallSarah DawsonFinn DonaldsonDouglas DunlopMark GastonKarlmeinrad GiesingerJerome GoffinEwan GoudieSimon GrahamMaurice GriffinDavid HamiltonNatalia HarasymowiczBrendan HawesPaul HindleMatthew HopeChristina HuberPaul JenkinsRoss JonesMichael KellyGeorgia KogianniJudith LaneFrancesc Levrero FlorencioTim LinAlisdair MacLeodPreeti Mahankali-RaoLeanora MillsAlastair MurrayDianne MurraySally-Anne PhillipsGregory RobertsonErin RossTerence SavaridasDuncan SharpInnes SmithAntonello SpadaccinoTulyapruek TawonsawatrukBlair TweediePhilippe VadilloRober WallaceHugh WatersonShuqiao XiePublic Engagement ActivitiesWorkshops on treatments for arthritis with patients and the publicOther ResponsibilitiesContinues to do regular NHS work with adults and paediatricsChair BOA Research CommitteeChair for Research & Education of the International Society of Fracture Repair of the ORSChair World Orthopaedic Research Congress 2022 Editor-in-Chief Bone & Joint Research Current CollaboratorsPankajAndrew HallBruno PeaultSarah HowieMaurice GallagherBrian PetersonMark BradleyMargaret LucasSandy CochraneDamien WalmsleyPietro ValdestroniFabrice PierronGordon BlunnRichard Oreffo Go to the Edinburgh Research Explorer FundingInformation on funding at Hamish Simpson's Research Explorer profile. This article was published on 2024-09-10