Our work across Scotland

Save a Life For Scotland is the public face of Scotland’s strategy for Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest (OHCA).

A woman next to a female deer, in front of a snow covered mountain

The ambition of the strategy is to improve outcomes after OHCA such that by 2020 Scotland is an international leader in the management of OHCA. Our aim is to save an additional 1000 lives by the end of 2020.

A key part of delivering this aim was the establishment of Save a Life for Scotland on 16th October 2015 . The campaign takes a true multi-agency approach with public sector, third sector, Government and academic agencies, with over 14 partner and supporter groups working together around one central aim: enabling half a million people living in Scotland to learn the life-saving skill of CPR.

The coordination team for the campaign are members of the Resuscitation Research Group, based at the University of Edinburgh. They have worked with Education Scotland, SportsScotland, Commonwealth Games committee, Year of Young People, Young Scot, Inspiring Scotland, Quality Meat Scotland, and many other community groups interested in getting CPR-ready. 

The work of the Save a Life for Scotland campaign strategically focuses on 4 main themes:  
  • Schools – equipping every child with CPR skills
  • Communities enabling communities to become CPR-aware and ready
  • Equality – ensuring that learning CPR is free at the point of access for all, and ensuring everyone has a chance to learn CPR
  • Culture Change – moving to a time when everyone in Scotland feels equipped to recognise when someone is having a cardiac arrest and feels able to perform CPR, enabling more people to survive their OHCA
OHCA: A Strategy for Scotland (Scottish Government website)
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