Endometriosis : A hidden condition

The Centre for Inflammation Research studies endometriosis in collaboration with the Centre for Reproductive Health at the University. This animation explains experiences of endometriosis, what it is and where to get support.

What is endometriosis? This chronic reproductive health condition can be painful and difficult to diagnose, but with support from friends, family, doctors and groups like Endo Warriors West Lothian, it can be managed. Projects like EXPPECT at the University of Edinburgh are carrying out medical research to improve the lives of people living with endometriosis. 



This project has been organised by the EXPPECT team as part of their commitment to supporting and engaging with patients suffering from endometriosis. It is designed for young people who might be concerned about symptoms such as severe period pain. The EXPPECT team is co-led by Professors Andrew Horne (MRC-CRH) and Philippa Saunders (CIR).

Visit Philippa's research profile

The animation was funded by Endo Warriors West Lothian, a local endometriosis awareness and support group.

Join the Endo Warriors West Lothian Facebook Group

It was produced by Dr Lana Woolford at Cloud Chamber Studios, an Edinburgh-based science animation studio.

Visit the Cloud Chamber Studios website

If you are interested in the research being carried out as part of the EXPPECT project, you can visit their website or watch the Research Insights public lecture below.

Visit the EXPPECT website