What is CPR?

Every week in Scotland, 70 people have a cardiac arrest. But only 6 will go back to their family. By calling for help and starting CPR, you can save a life.    

Collage of images representing heart

What is CPR?

When a person has a cardiac arrest, their heart stops pumping blood efficiently around the body. A cardiac arrest can be the result of one of several issues including a heart attack, choking, or blood loss due to physical trauma.

CPR stands for 'CardioPulmonary Resucitation', and is the technique of using chest compressions to keep blood - and therefore oxygen - flowing to the patient's brain and vital organs until professional medical help arrives.

How do you peform CPR?

Learning these simple life-saving skills is as easy as ABC:

Health Sketch CPR – You can do it!

(YouTube – Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland)

Is CPR difficult?

Although it can be scary to think about stepping in when someone is having a cardiac arrest, everyone has it in them to save a life through CPR:

Health Sketch CPR – Simple steps to save a life

(YouTube – Chest, Heart & Stroke Scotland)

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