CIR research in progress September-December 2024

Latest talks by staff and students in the CIR

These talks take place in IRR Seminar Room at 10am and are not open to the general public.

Dates Chair Students Supervisor Presentation Title
06.09.24 Anu Fernando Kelvin Cheng Adriano Rossi The Role of Neutrophils and Macrophages in Microbial Keratitis
Prasad Aradhye Colin Campbell Utilizing SERS Redox Sensors to Evaluate CFTR Drug Efficacy in Ex-Vivo Cultures
Sole Lancerin Richard Sloan From ponds to pharmacies: broad spectrum antivirals from Cyanobacteria
20.09.24 Robert Whelan Rocco Zheng Sofia Ferreira Gonzalez Unlocking the Mechanisms of Spiny Mouse Skin Regeneration using xenotransplantation and blood exchange models
Kenneth Li Marc Vendrell Chemical fluorescent tags for in situ analysis of pharmacological function
Hamza Khalid Jayne Hope Development of lateral flow assays for improved detection of TB in cattle
27.09.24 Claire Adams Ali Akbar Bugti Juergen Haas Host cellular innate immunity mechanisms against Picornaviruses
Man Chun Wong Wei-Yu Lu Defining the therapeutic potential of T regulatory cells in promoting bile duct regeneration
01.10.24 Broc Drury Ben Shimeld Sarah Walmsley Understanding the regulation of neutrophil function in response to infection
Christiane Cladrowa Richard Sloan Identifying the Antiviral Potential of Bat Antimicrobial Peptides
Man Sing Wong Marc Vendrell Development of imaging probes for the labelling of PD-1 receptor of T cells as indicators of tumour progression and therapy outcome
08.10.24   Claire Adams Calum Bain Investigating the importance of monocyte/macrophage immunometabolism in IBD
Ravinder Parhar Prakash Ramachandran Investigating the kinetics of scar-associated macrophages during the progression and regression of liver fibrosis
22.10.24   Marco Bertolini Marc Vendrell Click & Fluoresce: dual gate activatable platform for the imaging of exhausted T cells
Nancy Hui Carsten Hansen The ageing niche: Does the Hippo control it all?
01.11.24   Anagha Chandran Till Bachmann Aptamer-based biosensors for Label-Free detection of disease markers in Dermal Interstitial Fluid: Towards wearable real-time health monitoring
Jaime Ricardo    
Jimenez Salazar Roberto Rabinovich Interstitial Lung Diseases: Strategies to Improve the Effect of Pulmonary Rehabilitation
08.11.24 Anagha Chandran Navita Lal Beth Mills Elucidating novel targets for microbial keratitis diagnosis and treatment
Richard Cassidy Steve Jenkins Determining Macrophage Function in Post-Operative Peritoneal Adhesions
Kexin Kong Prakash Ramachandran Atlassing Human Liver Single-cell RNA-seq Data to Identify Novel Drug Targets for Liver Fibrosis’
15.11.24   Zara Aiken Neil Henderson Investigation of FAPI PET-MR for the study of fibrosis in chronic liver disease
Simran Kapoor Rebecca Gentek Investigating the development and role of mast cells in the mammary gland
Siyuan Xie James Hopgood Enabling high-speed multimodal optical imaging via adaptive sampling and processing
22.11.24   Jelimo Chepsat David Dockrell Evaluating Macrophage Interactions with Streptococcus agalactiae (GBS) using a Comparative Approach
Paula Lusarreta Parga Debby Bogaert Microbiome-Host interactions explaining acute infections and exacerbations of COPD
29.11.24   Chris Box Neil Henderson Novel imaging of fibrosis in MASLD
Ishita Dasgupta Jenna Cash  
Yanzi Zhou Marc Vendrell Fluorescence Lifetime Probes for Imaging Macrophage Function