Brief overview of the 3 year PhD assessments Year 1 10 Week Project Plan - Approximately 10 weeks into the PhD project, students submit a short written project plan setting out the first year aims with a clear hypothesis. The plan is not formally assessed but will be reviewed by the thesis committee and discussed at its first meeting, which will comprise of a short presentation (10-15 minutes) by the student. 8 Month Report – At 10 months, students submit a brief report, which is then assessed by the Thesis Committee. The report takes the form of a scientific paper which covers specific research goals, preliminary findings and potential future directions. Thesis Committee Presentation – Based on the 10 month report, students are asked to make a short PowerPoint presentation to their Thesis Committee, followed by questions. Formal progression to PhD registration is contingent upon successful completion of the report and presentation. Written feedback is provided to the students from the Thesis Committee. Year 2 22 Month Report - At 22 months, students submit a progress report, which is assessed by the Thesis Committee. The report informs the Thesis Committee about the progress made since the 8 month review and defines 3rd year aims, experimental strategies with predicted timelines for completion and submission. Thesis Committee Presentation – Based on the 22 month report, students are asked to make a short PowerPoint presentation to their thesis committee, followed by questions. Progression in the PhD is contingent upon successful completion of this report and presentation. Written feedback is provided to the students from the thesis committee. Year 3 – Doctorate thesis submission and examination information Image This article was published on 2024-09-10