My laboratory focuses on the viral host factors determining pathogenicity and susceptibility. Professor Jürgen Haas Professor of Viral Genomics Centre for Inflammation Research Institute for Regeneration and Repair Contact details Work: +44 (0)131 242 6859 Email: PA Email: Personal ProfileProfessor Jürgen Haas is Professor for Viral Genomics at the University of Edinburgh. He is also an honorary NHS consultant Virologist at the Royal Infirmary Edinburgh. After undergraduate studies in Medicine and Biology, he performed postdoctoral trainings at Munich and Harvard University, followed by a medical specialist training in Microbiology at the Universities of Heidelberg and Munich. Before he joined the University of Edinburgh in 2006, he has been Associate Professor at the University of Munich.ResearchProfessor Jürgen Haas’ research focuses on the identification and characterization of virus-host interactions that are crucial for the pathogenesis and affect susceptibility and pathogen virulence. Using genome-wide protein interaction and RNA interference screens, his laboratory have identified key events in the viral life cycle for a range of several different viruses including Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), Food and Mouth Disease virus (FMDV) and high risk Human Papilloma virus 16 (HPV-16). In HSV-1, we are currently working on cellular factors that affect viral entry and the potential role of HSV-1 in neurodegenerative diseases. In FMDV, we identified host factors that can be exploited for vaccine development and the generation of FMDV-resistant pigs. In HPV, we are investigating a novel cellular tumour suppressor that inhibits E7-mediated oncogenesis. Another current research focus are novel mechanisms of viral inhibition that can be used for antiviral therapy.Research ThemesSystems Biology/Big DataHost-Pathogen InteractionDiagnostics ResearchTeachingMedical Microbiology 3Clinical Immunology and Haematology 3Diagnostics and Therapeutics of Infectious Diseases (Honours Elective)Clinical Educator for junior Medical Doctors in Combined Infection TrainingCurrent Funding SourcesMedical Research Council (MRC)Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC)Lab MembersDr Christian Schnier (Senior Epidemiologist)Seb Cotton (PhD Student) Alison Daniels (PhD student)Abdelazeem Elhabyan (PhD student)Usman Khan (PhD student)Sarah Yusoff (PhD student)Zahid Mushtaq(PhD student)Zhiyuan Zhu(PhD student)Ali Akbar Bugti(PhD student)CollaboratorsProf Martin Ryan, University of St AndrewsProf Nic Stonehouse, University of LeedsProf Dave Rowlands, University of LeedsDr Toby Tuthill, The Pirbright InstituteProf Ralf Zimmer, University of MunichRecent PublicationsRamalingam S, Cai B, Wong J, Twomey M, Chen R, Fu RM, Boote T, McCaughan H, Griffiths SJ, Haas JG. Antiviral innate immune response in non-myeloid cells is augmented by chloride ions via an increase in intracellular hypochlorous acid levels. Sci Rep. 2018 Sep 11;8(1):13630. doi: 10.1038/s41598-018-31936-y. PubMed PMID: 30206371.Haas JG, Lathe R Microbes and Alzheimer's Disease: New Findings Call for a Paradigm Change. (2018) Trends Neurosci. 2018 pii: S0166-2236(18)30171-1.Lathe, R. and Haas, J.G. (2017) Distribution of HSV-1 receptor expression in human brain. 2017 Neurovirology. 23(3):376-384Beard, P.M., Griffiths, S.J., Gonzalez, O., Haga, I., Pechenick-Jowers, T., Reynolds, D., Wildenhain, J., Tekotte, H., Auer, M., Tyers, M., Ghazal, P., Zimmer, R., Haas, J. (2014) A comprehensive analysis of host factors influencing Vaccinia virus replication by RNA interference. PLOS One 9(6):e98431Lenac Roviš, T., Bailer, S.M., Pothineni, V.R., Ouwendijk, W.J.D., Šimić, H., Babić, M., Miklić, K., Malić, S., Verweij, M.C., Baiker, A., Gonzalez, O., Zimmer, R., Früh, K., Verjans, G.M.G.M., Jonjić, S.*, Haas, J.* (2013) A comprehensive analysis of Varicella Zoster virus (VZV) proteins using a monoclonal antibody collection. J. Virol. 87(12):6943-54.Tahoun, A., Mahajan, S., Paxton, E., Malterer, G., Donaldson, D., O’Shea, M., Roe, A.J., Shaw, D.J., Gally, D.L., Lengeling, A., Mabbott, N., Haas, J. and Mahajan, A. (2013) Salmonella transform follicle-associated epithelial cells into antigen sampling M cells to promote their intestinal invasion. Cell Host & Microbe 12(5):645-5669.Griffiths, S.J., Koegl, M., Boutell, C., Zenner, H.L., Crump, C., Gonzalez, O., Friedel, C.C., Barry, G., Martin, K., Craigon, M.H., Chen, R., Kaza, L.N., Fossum, F., Fazakerley, J.K., Efstathiou, S., Zimmer, R., Ghazal, P. and Haas, J. (2013) Systematic analysis of host factors in HSV-1 infection identifies Med23 as essential for Interferon lambda expression. PLOS Pathogens 9, e1003514.Dölken, L., Malterer,G., Erhard,F., Kothe, S., Marcinowski, L., Friedel, C.C., Lieber, D., Ruzsics, Z., Bailer, S., Suffert, G., Hoffmann, R., Kremmer, E., Barth, S., Beizinger, M., Pfeffer, S., Zimmer, R., Koszinowski, U.H., Grässer, F., Meister, G. and Haas, J. (2010) Systemic Analysis of Transcripts Targeted by gamma-herpesviral and Cellular miRNAs through RISC Immunoprecipitation Assays. Cell Host and Microbe. 7:324-34.Uetz, P., Dong, Y., Zeretzke, C., Atzler, C., Baiker, A., Berger, B. Seesandra Rajagopala, S., Roupelieva, M., Rose, D., Fossum, E. and Haas, J. (2006) Herpesvirus protein networks and their interaction with the human proteome. Science 311:239-242.Muranyi, W, Haas, J., Wagner, M., Krohne, G. and Koszinowski, U.H. (2002) Cytomegalovirus recruits cellular kinases to dissolve the nuclear lamina. Science 297:854-857.Kliche, S., Nagel, W., Atzler, C., Kremmer, E., Ege, A., Knorr, T., Koszinowski, U.H., Kolanus, W. and Haas, J. (2001) Signaling by Human Herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8) Kaposin A through direct Membrane Recruitment of Cytohesin-1. Mol. Cell 7:833-843. This article was published on 2024-12-10