PE&C Committee 2020

Public Engagement & Communications from the Centre are mainly delivered through a committee structure, which allows staff and students to work collaboratively, share experience, celebrate their achievements and discuss strategy. The 2020 PE&C Committee and Subcommittee members are recorded here.

CIR PE&C Committee 2020

Chair: Donald J. Davidson (Chair of Host Defence & Inflammation Biology, Academic Lead for Public Engagement)

Rebecca Aucott (Laboratory Manager, CIR GDPR Champion)

Calum Bain (Sir Henry Dale Fellow)

Paul Fitch (Centre Manager)

Lana Woolford (Public Engagement & Communications Officer)


Schools PE&C Subcommittee 2020

Lead: Donald J. Davidson (Chair of Host Defence & Inflammation Biology, Academic Lead for Public Engagement)

Clelia Amato (Postdoctoral researcher)

Katharin Balbirnie-Cumming (PhD student)

Matthew Burgess (Postdoctoral researcher)

Ross Dobie (Postdoctoral researcher)

Elena Dora (Research Assistant)

Broc Drury (Research Assistant)

Rosalind Heron (Postdoctoral researcher)

Shonna Johnston (Research Technician)

Jiwon Park  (PhD student)

Maria Panagopoulou (PhD student)

Susanna Riley (PhD student)

Katie Smith (PhD student)

Lana Woolford (PE&C Officer)


Science Festival PE&C Subcommittee 2020

Lead: Calum Bain (Sir Henry Dale Fellow)

Filipa Henderson Sousa (Postdoctoral Researcher)

Julia Dorin (Chair of Genetics of Host Defence)

Utsa Karmakar  (PhD student)

Olympia Kelepouri (Research Assistant)

Samanta Mariani (Postdoctoral Researcher)

Dyana Markose (PhD student)  

Ross Mills (Postdoctoral Researcher)

Magdalena Oremek (PhD student)

Eleni Papachristoforou (PhD student)                           

Omar Salem (PhD student)  

David Taggart (Postdoctoral Researcher)    

Jenny Shelley ( PhD student)     

Lana Woolford (PE&C Officer)


Subcommittees member remit

•             Members will be actively involved in developing PE activities, resources and events, as well as having the opportunity to volunteer at events.

•             Members will be formally acknowledged in these roles on the CIR website.

•             PE&C Training will be offered.

•             Subcommittee aim to meet approximately 4 times per year,  and develop with activities between meetings.

•             Subcommittee will have rotating Lead role.

•             Leads of the subcommittees will be combined to make up the main PE&C Committee, meeting 1 – 2 time per year.

•             Annual Prizes will be awarded for the best PE&C by trainees.


 CIR Public Engagement volunteers

•             Volunteers will be notified when a PE event is occurring for which participation is requested and offered the chance to take part.

•             PE&C Training will be offered.

•             Those undertaking training and at least one event will get formal “Public Engagement Ambassador” status on the CIR website.


Past Committees

PE&C Committee 2019

PE&C Committee 2018