CIR seminar series

Invited speakers

This seminar series takes place in the IRR South seminar room 1.05 on Tuesday's or Friday's at 11am (unless otherwise stated)

Date Speaker Title Host

Friday 2nd February

Professor Alberto Sanchez-Fueyo, Professor of Hepatology, Academic Head of the Institute of Liver Studies, King’s College London

“Immunomodulation, cell therapy & liver transplantation: trials and tribulations”

Wei-Yu Lu

Friday 9th February

Dr Charlotte Scott, Center for Inflammation Research, VIB-UGent 

“Unravelling the functional heterogeneity of hepatic macrophages in health and disease”

Calum Bain

Friday 23rd February

Professor David Hodson, Radcliffe Department of Medicine, University of Oxford

“Visualizing and interrogating diabetes, obesity and MASLD drug targets from the single cell to the tissue”

Marc Vendrell

11:30 Thursday 29th February 

Professor John Simpson, Newcastle University

“The acquired innate immune dysfunction induced by critical illness”

Chris Lucas
Tuesday 5th March Dr John Grainger, Division of Immunology, Immunity to Infection and Respiratory Medicine, The University of Manchester

“Decoding Circulating Monocyte States to Interpret Local-Systemic Crosstalk in Tissue Immunity”

Jenna Cash
Tuesday 19th March

Dr Manikandan Subramanian, Cardiovascular Inflammation, The William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London

"Defective Macrophage Efferocytosis in Atherosclerotic Plaques – Mechanistic Insights and Therapeutic Strategies" Steve Jenkins
10:30 Tuesday 26th March

Dr. Saumya Agrawal, Riken Center for Integrative Medical Science, Japan

"Role of chromatin structure in determining targets of regulatory elements"

Kenny Baillie
11am Wednesday 27th March Dr Ed Roberts, Beatson Institute for Cancer Research, University of Glasgow "Choreographing immunity: key cellular interactions are disrupted in the tumor draining lymph node" Jurgen Schwarze
12pm Tuesday 16th April

Professor Gang Zheng, Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto

Porphysome Nanotechnology: Discovery, Translation and Beyond” Marc Vendrell
Friday 19th April

Professor Tom van der Poll, Internal Medicine & Infectious Diseases, Amsterdam University Medical Centre

"Sepsis: Immunopathology, Host Response Phenotypes and Precision Medicine"

Manu Shankar-Hari
Friday 26th April

Professor Ning Xu Landen, Dermatology and Venereology Division, Karolinska Institute

‘Decoding the RNA regulome of human skin wound healing’

Jenna Cash
Tuesday 14th May

Professor Adam Byrne, National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London

'How macrophage metabolism controls the lung’

Nik Hirani
Friday 7th June

Professor Martin Humphries, Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research, University of Manchester

“Mechanisms of mechanosensing by integrin adhesion complexes” Marc Vendrell
Friday 14th June

Dr Marijana Basic, Institute for Laboratory Animals Science, Hannover Medical School

“Microbiota Matters: Unravelling the Role in Intestinal Inflammation”

Chengcan Yao
Monday 24th June

Professor Slava Epelman, Department of Medicine, University of Toronto

"Resident Tissue Macrophages: Origins, Functions and Tissue Engineering Opportunities"

Chris Lucas
Tuesday 25th June

Professor Takao Shimizu, Director, Lipid Signaling Project, National Center for Global Health and Medicine, Japan

“Phospholipid diversity, mechanism and biological significance” Chengcan Yao
3pm Monday 9th September

Professor Irina Udalova, Professor of Molecular Immunology, University of Oxford

“Transcriptional checkpoints of neutrophil development”

Sarah Walmsley
Friday 20th September

Dr Matthew Hepworth, Division of Immunology, Immunity to Infection and Respiratory Medicine, The University of Manchester

“Orchestration of immunity by group 3 ILCs in the intestinal tract” CJ Anderson
Friday 27th September

Professor Emanuele Azzoni, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Milan

"Dissecting heterogeneity of pre-natal hematopoiesis in health and disease” Samanta Mariani
Tuesday 22nd October

Dr Andy Howden, Cell Signalling & Immunology, University of Dundee

“The B cell protein landscape and its shaping by immune stimulation and mTORC1” Yi Feng/Emily Watts
Friday 1st November Professor Mihai Netea, Infectious Diseases & Immunology, Radboud University, Netherlands “Personalized immunotherapy in severe infections” Manu Shankar-Hari
Friday 8th November Professor Richard White, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, University of Oxford “Melanocyte cell fate – from the inside and the outside” Yi Feng
Friday 15th November

Dr Filippo Del Bene, INSERM, Sorbonne University, Paris

Title TBC Yi Feng
Tuesday 19th November

Dr Adrien Hallou, Group Leader in Tissue Biology, Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, University of Oxford

Title TBC Jenna Cash
Friday 22nd November

Professor Jody Rosenblatt, Professor of Cell Biology, King’s College London

Title TBC Yi Feng

Organiser: Sonia Rafferty (