Invited speakers This seminar series takes place in the IRR South seminar room 1.05 on Tuesday's or Friday's at 11am (unless otherwise stated)DateSpeakerTitleHostWednesday 8 JanuaryProfessor Carolina Wählby (Professor of Quantitative Microscopy, Uppsala University)Image analysis and AI in microscopy-based life science researchTill BachmannTuesday 14 JanuaryDr Amaya Viros (Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute, The University of Manchester)How age and UV impact melanomaRichard WellerTuesday 21 JanuaryProfessor João F. Mano (Department of Chemistry, University of Aveiro, Portugal)Biomaterials and Living Materials from human originMarc VendrellFriday 7 FebruaryProfessor Stephen Tait (CRUK Scotland Institute, Glasgow)Investigating mitochondria as age-old drivers of inflammationChris Gregory, Will WoodWednesday 19 FebruaryDr Stephan Daetwyler (UT Southwestern, Dallas) Yi FengFriday 21 FebruaryDr Andrew Greenhalgh (Division of Infection, Immunity & Respiratory Medicine, The University of Manchester) Laura McCullochFriday 28 FebruaryDr Stacey Paiva (Senior Editor at Nature Chemistry) Marc VendrellTuesday 11 MarchDr Filippo Del Bene (INSERM, Sorbonne University, Paris) Yi FengTuesday 18 MarchDr Gernot Walko (Centre for Oral Immunobiology and Regenerative Medicine & Bart's Centre for Squamous Cancer, Queen Mary University of London)Battling with the YAP/TAZ oncoproteins for targeted therapy of squamous cancersCarsten HansenOrganiser: Sonia Rafferty ( This article was published on 2024-09-10