IRR Discovery Series

Our Discovery Series from across the Institute for Regeneration and Repair (IRR), including CIR, tells the story of research discoveries making an important contribution to the science of tissue and inflammation in the body.

IRR Discovery Series Competition

The Centres for Inflammation Research and Regenerative Medicine that make up IRR are currently running a competition to create content for this series. 

If you are a researcher interested in entering the competition, please submit your footage and accompanying story by Friday 18 September 2020.

Episode 1: Dr Thomas Fenton

Dr Thomas Fenton, Visiting Scientist at the Centre for Inflammation Research (CIR), discusses a method he has developed which will give researchers a new way to analyse the intestinal immune system. Co-Lead for the Gut Research Unit at CIR, Dr Gwo-tzer Ho, also reflects on the discovery. The Gut Research Unit specialises in increasing understanding and treatment options for ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease, the two main forms of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).