News and events

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News listing

Publication date

New Professor of Tissue Repair and Regeneration

04 July, 2016

August 2015: Neil Henderson appointed Professor of Tissue Repair and Regeneration

MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship award

04 July, 2016

December 2015: Congratulations to Dr Prakash Ramachandran on his award

Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Clinical Fellowship award

04 July, 2016

December 2015: Congratulations to Dr Ananda Mirchandani on her award

New Bioquarter Campus Operations Manager

04 July, 2016

December 2015: Congratulations to Dr Sharon Hannah on her new appointment

"10+5" event 2015

04 July, 2016

October 2015: 2nd year PhD student "10+5" event 2015

New Tissue Repair PhD Programme

04 July, 2016

September 2015: New Tissue Repair PhD Programme Launched

Grants awarded by the MS Society

01 July, 2016

February 2016: Dr Anne Astier receives 2 of the 16 grants awarded by the MS Society for 2015

Bid to beat baby chest infection boosted by immune study

01 July, 2016

March 2016: Babies at risk of a serious lung infection could be helped by a therapy based on the…

Immune study published in Science shows how gut keeps deadly infections at bay

01 July, 2016

March 2016: Study discovers how the immune system stops bacteria in our gut from leaking into the…

Congratulations to Dr Richard Mellanby

01 July, 2016

April 2016: Prestigious 2016 Petplan Scientific Achievement Award