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Study shines light on cause of chronic kidney disease

01 June, 2023

Fresh insights into a protein that causes damage in kidneys and hearts could open up new treatment…

Two CIR Professors appointed to the Royal Society of Edinburgh

29 March, 2023

Professors Sarah Walmsley and Ewen Harrison are joining the Fellowship of the Royal Society of…

New EU funded technology could improve inflammatory bowel disease diagnosis

13 March, 2023

A new European Innovation Council Transition project, IBDSENSE, aims to improve diagnosis and…

Whether born naturally or via cesarean section, babies receive essential microbes from their mothers

13 March, 2023

Do cesarean-born babies miss out on essential microbes? New evidence suggests that the answer may…

New model for understanding patients with asbestos cancer

07 February, 2023

By examining mutations of specific genes in cancer patients, CIR researchers have created a new…

CIR researchers launch ‘Intensive-Share’ – a patient and public involvement group for paediatric critical care research

09 December, 2022

On Saturday 15 October 2022, researchers from CIR and the team at Edinburgh Children’s Hospital…

CIR researchers launch ‘Intensive-Share’ – a patient and public involvement group for paediatric critical care research

09 December, 2022

On Saturday 15 October 2022, researchers from CIR and the team at Edinburgh Children’s Hospital…

CIR shares Supercytes schools resource at World Antibiotic Awareness Week event

28 November, 2022

On 21 November 2022, CIR showcased their Supercytes resource at an antibiotic awareness event.

Baby’s vaccine responses linked to birth delivery method

17 November, 2022

The method by which a baby is delivered is associated with how their immune system will respond to…