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Global impacts of the pandemic on non COVID-19 research

11 June, 2020

June 2020 - Principal Investigator Dr Carsten Hansen reflects on the impact of the global pandemic…

Jennifer Shelley wins the IRR Early Career Innovators Competition

11 June, 2020

June 2020: CIR PhD student Jennifer Shelley has won the IRR Early Career Innovators Competition,…

CIR takes part in Edinburgh Science Festival's digital lockdown offering

19 May, 2020

April 2020: The CIR Let's Talk about Health public lecture on inflammatory bowel disease…

Researchers run Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre workshops for local pupils

18 May, 2020

March 2020 - Scientists from the Centre for Inflammation Research (CIR) have teamed up with the…

Lockdown learning with Dundee Science Centre's Body Bits Week

06 May, 2020

May 2020 - PhD student Susanna Riley has contributed to Dundee Science Centre's Home Learning…

Healing Damaged Guts in Inflammatory Bowel Disease - From the Doctor, Patient and Scientist

12 March, 2020

February 2020 - A packed auditorium hall listened to Gwo-tzer Ho, Kris McGuire and Emily Thompson…

QMRI cell sorting facility wins Silver Award for sustainability

11 February, 2020

January 2020:The Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Facility is the first BioQuarter lab to achieve a…

The Supercytes visit the National Museum of Scotland

04 February, 2020

January 2020 - Donald J. Davidson shows teachers how to use card game Supercytes to teach pupils…

CIR launches new kind of PhD to give future researchers an edge

17 December, 2019

A new PhD programme that aims to also teach engagement skills in future medical researchers is…