Science Summaries – 2019

Science summaries from 2019

June 2019: A hair-sized probe that can measure key indicators of tissue damage deep in the lung has been developed by scientists.

June 2019: The fight against superbugs could be helped by the discovery of a potential therapy based on the body’s natural immune defences.

May 2019: Cancer therapies that use immune cells to trigger the body to attack tumours could be improved by a molecule that boosts their function.

March 2019: Human beta-defensin in atopic dermatitis: dissecting the mechanism of a novel, targetable, protection against skin barrier damage

March 2019: Tiny organisms in a child’s nose could offer clues to improving the diagnosis and treatment of severe lung infections, research shows.

January 2019: Paper to assist everyone who is related to science teaching, with emphasis on individuals with learning disabilities