Tam Dalyell public engagement award win

February 2022: Philippa Saunders, Chair of Reproductive Steroids in the Centre for Inflammation Research, and Andrew Horne, Professor of Gynaecology and Reproductive Sciences in the MRC Centre for Reproductive Health, have won the Tam Dalyell prize for excellence in engaging the public with science.

Philippa Saunders and Andrew Horne - 2022 Tam Dalyell Prize Winners
Philippa Saunders and Andrew Horne

The prize is awarded in recognition of their work on endometriosis, and their attention to lived experience and the needs of people with endometriosis in their research. 

In the Tam Dalyell Prize lecture at 6pm on 10 April, Professors Horne and Saunders will share how they are combining their clinical and research expertise with women’s experiences to find new ways to approach this devastating condition. The lecture will be held in the Playfair Library.

Many congratulations to the worthy winners.

Find out more

Professor Philippa Saunders

Professor Andrew Horne