CIR staff recognised with promotions

Congratulations to the several members of the Centre for Inflammation Research who have recently been promoted.

Professor Richard Weller has been promoted to ‘Personal Chair of Medical Dermatology’. Professor Weller is a dermatologist whose research has focused on the health benefits of sunlight in particular those that are not mediated via metabolism of vitamin D.

Dr Robert Gray has been promoted to Reader. Dr Gray's research has focused on innate immune cell function in cystic fibrosis. His group have made key observations about calprotectin and its role as a potential biomarker and have developed tissue culture models of human lung epithelial cell function.

Dr Gwo-Tzer Ho has been promoted to Reader. Dr Ho’s research has addressed the changes that promote mucosal inflammation in Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease. He has translated his research into several clinical trials including the MUSIC and MARVEL trials.

Dr Carsten Hansen has been promoted to Senior Lecturer. Dr Hansen's research has provided in-depth insights into the Hippo pathway and core mediators of Hippo pathway signalling YAP and TAZ. Carsten has harnessed these insights into observations relating to tissue regeneration, regulation of inflammation and cancer.


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Richard Weller

Robert Gray

Gwo-tzer Ho

Carsten Hansen