CIR part of a €4M European training network on molecular imaging

May 2019: The €4M Innovative Training Network NOVA-MRI has been awarded by the European Commission to develop new tools for molecular imaging in humans

The European Commission has awarded €4M to build a MSCA Innovative Training Network to develop novel tools for targeted molecular imaging in humans. The project named NOVA-MRI aims at generating new smart nanomaterials as safe contrast agents for molecular imaging with enhanced targeting properties and capabilities for therapeutic payload. The network is coordinated by the Leiden University Medical Centre in the Netherlands, and will involve 16 organizations, including The University of Edinburgh as well as 7 companies from different European countries. The team from The University of Edinburgh is led by Dr Marc Vendrell at the CIR, and will create multiple avenues for cross-collaboration and translational research across different institutions in Europe.

Link to EU-funded MSCA-ITN actions, including the full list of funded projects