March 2018: CIR researcher Donald J Davidson has been appointed as the new Public Engagement Secretary for the British Society for Immunology. CIR researcher Donald J Davidson has been appointed as the new Public Engagement (PE) Secretary for the British Society for Immunology. He will help to develop the Society's strategic plans, overseeing the delivery and development of PE initiatives; working with members, trustees and staff to inform and engage the public on the importance of immunology for human and animal health. Dr Davidson says Appreciation of the importance of PE in biomedical research has transformed in recent years. However, more researcher training, facilitated involvement opportunities, improved "listening" engagements, widening of participant demographics, and clear academic recognition and reward for PE are still required. I'm excited to get input from our members and to develop creative ways to target relevant communities through the BSI. Congratulations to Donald who will commence his term of office in December 2018. Publication date 19 Feb, 2018