Science Summaries – 2017

Science summaries from 2017

December 2017: A chemical probe that glows when it binds to magnesium will help scientists view processes that occur inside cells.

November 2017: A research team has shown that chronic illness present before arrival into intensive care can have a large impact on quality of life after discharge.

November 2017: A study led by the Medical Research Council Toxicology Unit, and supported by researches from the Medical Research Council Centre for Inflammation Research, has provided strong evidence that certain carbon nanotubes used in manufacturing could pose the same cancer risk as asbestos. 

October 2017: Fresh insights into how cystic fibrosis affects immune cells could pave the way for new treatments for the condition

October 2017: A potential treatment to prevent deadly muscle scarring that contributes to chronic heart failure has been uncovered by scientists.

October 2017: Worms could prevent asthma and offer the hope of a cure to the 5.4 million people in the UK with the condition, according to a breakthrough study funded by Asthma UK

September 2017: A new technique that targets drugs to specific cells could lead to improved therapies for diseases caused by an overactive immune response.

June 2017: Exposure to sunlight releases a compound from the skin that can alleviate symptoms of eczema

August 2017: Fresh insight into how the immune system keeps itself in check could lead to new ways of fighting chronic lung disease

May 2017: Colleagues from the MRC Centres for Reproductive Health and Inflammation Research publish findings in The Lancet of a major consultation process into endometriosis

May 2017: David Dorward and colleagues from the Rossi group publish a study in Thorax delineating the role of mitochondrial proteins and their signalling in driving lung inflammation.

April 2017: Gwo-tzer Ho publishes recent study in Mucosal Immunology highlighting the importance of damaged mitochondria and gut inflammation

March 2017: A new imaging tool that rapidly diagnoses bacterial lung infections could help prevent unnecessary use of antibiotics in intensive care units

February 2017: Patients facing surgery to remove liver cancers could benefit from advanced imaging technology

February 2017: Fresh insights into how immune cells are regulated could signal a new approach to tackling infections

January 2017: Team develops a new miniaturised technology to sense areas of the lung that have never been explored before

January 2017: Study shows that the body’s defence army can amplify the danger signals when it senses DNA from bacteria as an intruder