Public Engagement News & Events

We enjoy sharing our research with the wider public, whether they be children, families, patients or other scientists

News listing

Publication date

CIR at the Edinburgh Fringe

01 July, 2016

April 2016: Beltane public engagement series in the Edinburgh Fringe

Athena SWAN Silver Award

01 July, 2016

May 2016: The Deaneries of Clinical Sciences and Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences…

Vitamin D in study spotlight

01 July, 2016

May 2106: Research is taking place to investigate the effects of vitamin D on the health of pet dogs

Congratulations to Professor Philippa Saunders

01 July, 2016

June 2016: Academy of Medical Sciences expert working group on ‘Team Science’

Royal Society of Chemistry Award

01 July, 2016

June 2016: University of Edinburgh researchers win prestigious Royal Society of Chemistry Award

Congratulations to Dr Sharon Hannah

01 July, 2016

June 2016: British Empire Medal awarded for services to medical research

Congratulations to Professor Adam Hill

01 July, 2016

June 2016: Honorary Professorship in Respiratory Medicine at the University of Edinburgh awarded

Congratulations to Dr Jenna Cash

01 July, 2016

June 2016: Sir Henry Dale Fellowship awarded

Immune study offers treatment hope for arthritis patients

01 July, 2016

May 2016: Study shows how compounds produced by the body’s immune system help to dampen…

CIR releases COVID-19 animations to address misinformation pandemic

30 June, 2016

December 2020: In partnership with the British Society for Immunology, the Centre for Inflammation…