Public Engagement News & Events

We enjoy sharing our research with the wider public, whether they be children, families, patients or other scientists

News listing

Publication date

New Professor of Tissue Repair and Regeneration

04 July, 2016

August 2015: Neil Henderson appointed Professor of Tissue Repair and Regeneration

MRC Clinician Scientist Fellowship award

04 July, 2016

December 2015: Congratulations to Dr Prakash Ramachandran on his award

Wellcome Trust Postdoctoral Clinical Fellowship award

04 July, 2016

December 2015: Congratulations to Dr Ananda Mirchandani on her award

New Bioquarter Campus Operations Manager

04 July, 2016

December 2015: Congratulations to Dr Sharon Hannah on her new appointment

"10+5" event 2015

04 July, 2016

October 2015: 2nd year PhD student "10+5" event 2015

New Tissue Repair PhD Programme

04 July, 2016

September 2015: New Tissue Repair PhD Programme Launched

Grants awarded by the MS Society

01 July, 2016

February 2016: Dr Anne Astier receives 2 of the 16 grants awarded by the MS Society for 2015

Bid to beat baby chest infection boosted by immune study

01 July, 2016

March 2016: Babies at risk of a serious lung infection could be helped by a therapy based on the…

Immune study published in Science shows how gut keeps deadly infections at bay

01 July, 2016

March 2016: Study discovers how the immune system stops bacteria in our gut from leaking into the…

Congratulations to Dr Richard Mellanby

01 July, 2016

April 2016: Prestigious 2016 Petplan Scientific Achievement Award