Public Engagement News & Events

We enjoy sharing our research with the wider public, whether they be children, families, patients or other scientists

News listing

Publication date

Scottish Centre for Regenerative Medicine Opened

26 August, 2016

March 2012: CIR Principal Investigators moving to the new Centre

Athena SWAN Inspiring Women 2-Inspiring Everyone

26 August, 2016

May 2016: On the 31st May QMRI was host to the outstanding Athena SWAN Inspiring Women 2-Inspiring…

Congratulations to Professor Adriano Rossi

26 August, 2016

December 2012: Professor Adriano Rossi awarded an MRC Programme Grant

Congratulations to Professor Chris Gregory on his programme grant renewal

26 August, 2016

December 2012: Prof. Chris Gregory awarded £1M Programme Grant by LLR

New 4 year PhD students

26 August, 2016

September 2012: CIR would like to welcome the new intake of PhD students

Personal Chairs announced

26 August, 2016

July 2012: Personal Chairs announced for Jeremy Hughes and Lesley Forrester

Congratulations to Professor John Iredale

26 August, 2016

May 2012: Professor John Iredale awarded an MRC Programme Grant

Congratulations to Professor Chris Haslett

26 August, 2016

May 2012: Molecular Optical imaging of Key Targets in the Fibrogenic Pathway in Man

Congratulations to George Tse

26 August, 2016

May 2012: George Tse awarded a Kidney Research UK clinical research fellowship

Congratulations to Dr Mohini Gray

26 August, 2016

April 2012: Mohini Gray awarded MRC Project grant