Public Engagement News & Events

We enjoy sharing our research with the wider public, whether they be children, families, patients or other scientists

News listing

Publication date

Public Engagement Committee Members and Volunteers

07 November, 2017

Our Public Engagement committees are open to any volunteers from across IRR, including CIR, CRM,…

Launch of primary school online resources for "The Mould that Changed the World"

07 November, 2017

May 2019: This innovative public engagement project "The Mould that Changed the World" is…

Carbon nanotubes may pose asbestos-style cancer risk

07 November, 2017

November 2017: A study led by the Medical Research Council Toxicology Unit, and supported by…

BSI Communicating Immunology grant

02 November, 2017

November 2017: A 'Communicating Immunology' grant has been awarded to Iris Mair, David…

Worms aid quest for asthma therapies

18 October, 2017

October 2017: Worms could prevent asthma and offer the hope of a cure to the 5.4 million people in…

Science Insights 2017

12 October, 2017

July 2017: The MRC Centre for Inflammation Research was delighted to be involved in Science…

Pint of Science – Sex in Our City

04 October, 2017

May 2017: PhD student Phoebe Kirkwood delivered a presentation about her research in Reproductive…

Cystic fibrosis study offers new therapy hope for patients

02 October, 2017

October 2017: Fresh insights into how cystic fibrosis affects immune cells could pave the way for…

Denny and the T-team Fight Cancer

28 September, 2017

November 2017: Researchers from the MRC CIR went to Dunbar Science Club to explain how our own body…

Heart failure therapy hope as drug blocks deadly muscle scarring

26 September, 2017

October 2017: A potential treatment to prevent deadly muscle scarring that contributes to chronic…