Public Engagement News & Events

We enjoy sharing our research with the wider public, whether they be children, families, patients or other scientists

News listing

Publication date

MRC CIR Director appointed into new role

22 March, 2018

March 2018: Professor Moira Whyte has been appointed as the new Vice-Principal and Head of the…

Amazing Immunology School Workshop

20 March, 2018

March 2018: 'Amazing Immunology' workshop goes on tour!

Edinburgh International Science Festival 2018: Careers Hive

19 March, 2018

March 2018: CIR researchers take part in the Careers Hive 2018, part of the Edinburgh…

Professors elected as Fellows of the Royal Society of Edinburgh

05 March, 2018

March 2018: Professors Moira Whyte and Elaine Dzierzak have been elected as Fellows of the…

Fertility study finds hormone that could support early pregnancy

05 March, 2018

February 2018: Scientists have identified a hormone that could help prepare the womb lining for…

Public Lecture: "Fat Lot of Good! Appendicitis & the Benefits of Specialised Fat Tissue."

26 February, 2018

January 2018: Prof Damien Mole and Dr Cecile Benezech gave a  public talk as part of the "Let…

Public Engagement Fellowship for Donald J. Davidson

19 February, 2018

February 2018: The MRC CIR’s Academic Lead for Public Engagement & Communication has been…

Public Engagement Fellowship for Donald J. Davidson

19 February, 2018

February 2018: The MRC CIR’s Academic Lead for Public Engagement & Communication has been…

New BSI appointment for Donald J Davidson

19 February, 2018

March 2018: CIR researcher Donald J Davidson has been appointed as the new Public Engagement…

New study to explore gut 'danger signals' in Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

11 January, 2018

April 2018: Dr Gwo-Tzer Ho will collaborate with Genentech to investigate the role of damage…