Public Engagement News & Events

We enjoy sharing our research with the wider public, whether they be children, families, patients or other scientists

News listing

Publication date

CIR / BSI conference ‘Inflammation: from Initiation to Restoration’

10 May, 2019

May 2019: The University of Edinburgh Centre for Inflammation Research and the British Society for…

CIR Researcher quizzes Parliamentarians

25 March, 2019

March 2019: Parliamentary engagement by one of our early career researchers

Children’s noses hold clues to serious lung infections, study shows

18 March, 2019

March 2019: Tiny organisms in a child’s nose could offer clues to improving the diagnosis and…

The Association for Science Education Scotland Conference

11 March, 2019

March 2019: CIR researchers ran an interactive workshop at the Association for Science Education…

Two PIs from the CIR join a prestigious scheme from the Academy of Medical Sciences

07 March, 2019

March 2019: Marc Vendrell and Richard Mellanby have been selected to be part of the first cohort of…

Royal Society appoints CIR staff

07 March, 2019

March 2019: Newly appointed RSE Fellows

MRC Science Showcase in Scotland

13 February, 2019

February 2019: Researchers from the Centre for Inflammation Research attended the Scottish…

Holy Rood RC High School Careers Fair

11 February, 2019

February 2019: Holy Rood RC High School Positive Destinations Careers Fair

'Amazing Immunology' Workshop at local Primary School

08 February, 2019

April 2019: CIR researchers take part in the Craigmillar Community Science Festival Event

New kidneys for old: a challenge for surgery and tissue engineering

30 January, 2019

January 2019: Public lecture series "Let's Talk About Health and Disease"