Public Engagement News & Events

We enjoy sharing our research with the wider public, whether they be children, families, patients or other scientists

News listing

Publication date

Global impacts of the pandemic on non COVID-19 research

11 June, 2020

June 2020 - Principal Investigator Dr Carsten Hansen reflects on the impact of the global pandemic…

Jennifer Shelley wins the IRR Early Career Innovators Competition

11 June, 2020

June 2020: CIR PhD student Jennifer Shelley has won the IRR Early Career Innovators Competition,…

CIR takes part in Edinburgh Science Festival's digital lockdown offering

19 May, 2020

April 2020: The CIR Let's Talk about Health public lecture on inflammatory bowel disease…

Researchers run Easter Bush Science Outreach Centre workshops for local pupils

18 May, 2020

March 2020 - Scientists from the Centre for Inflammation Research (CIR) have teamed up with the…

Lockdown learning with Dundee Science Centre's Body Bits Week

06 May, 2020

May 2020 - PhD student Susanna Riley has contributed to Dundee Science Centre's Home Learning…

Healing Damaged Guts in Inflammatory Bowel Disease - From the Doctor, Patient and Scientist

12 March, 2020

February 2020 - A packed auditorium hall listened to Gwo-tzer Ho, Kris McGuire and Emily Thompson…

QMRI cell sorting facility wins Silver Award for sustainability

11 February, 2020

January 2020:The Flow Cytometry and Cell Sorting Facility is the first BioQuarter lab to achieve a…

The Supercytes visit the National Museum of Scotland

04 February, 2020

January 2020 - Donald J. Davidson shows teachers how to use card game Supercytes to teach pupils…

CIR launches new kind of PhD to give future researchers an edge

17 December, 2019

A new PhD programme that aims to also teach engagement skills in future medical researchers is…