CIR shares Supercytes schools resource at World Antibiotic Awareness Week event

On 21 November 2022, CIR showcased their Supercytes resource at an antibiotic awareness event.

Held at the University's Playfair Libary in Old College, the World Antibiotic Awareness Week 2022 AMR Showcase was an all-day event focused on multi-disciplinary research into antimicrobial resistance. While the first half of the event was targeted at an academic audiences, the afternoon portion of the event was open to the public, and included public engagement activities as well as a public lecture.

Three colleagues from the Centre for Inflammation Research attended the event to showcase "Supercytes," an educational infectious disease and immunology resource for schools. Professor Donald Davidson, Public Engagement and Communications Manager Molly Osborn, and PhD student Broc Drury discussed the immunology card game with event attendees.

“Supercytes - The Immune Cell Standoff” is a fun, curriculum-linked, University of Edinburgh game-based resource for teachers and students, focused on the cells involved in inflammation, immunology and infectious diseases. The classroom resource features a card game, worksheets, quizzes, presentations, suggested lesson plans, and animations. It is flexible, and can be adapted for primary, secondary, or even college/university levels.

During the AMR event, approximately 25 people learned about Supercytes, including researchers, industry partners, and a few local secondary school pupils. Attendees discussed the development of the resource and some even played a few rounds of the card game.

3 people wearing red t-shirts, standing in front of a table with a card game school resource
Donald Davidson, Broc Brury, and Molly Osborn at the AMR Showcase Event on 21 November 2022 in the Playfair Library.


Find out more

AMR Showcase Event

Supercytes Website