Boroughmuir high school science careers event

June 2016: 'Speed Date a Scientist’ science career’s event

Siobhan Crittenden and Lara Campana represented the University of Edinburgh/ MRC Centre for Inflammation Research at Boroughmuir High School’s ‘Speed Date a Scientist’ science career’s event on the evening of 15th June 2016. This event gave students in their final year of school a chance to have short informal discussions with a range of visitors at different stages in STEM field careers. The pupils all seemed to enjoy the evening. They came to realise that not everyone has a direct career path and that there is great variety in science related careers.

Siobhan Crittenden (CIR PhD student) “The pupils were interested in my academic path, which had resulted in a PhD position, and how I had made the decisions at each stage to get here.”

Pupil comments:

“The event opened my eyes to the vast number of job opportunities there are from studying a science at university. Talking to them about how they go to where they are was really useful”

“I now have a better idea of jobs I would like to do”

“Puts a lot of what you are learning in to the context of the real world. And helps A LOT with future plans”

“Builds confidence in your ability to talk to others, that you have never met before”