Samanta Mariani is awarded a Chancellor's Fellowship

January 2021: Samanta Mariani becomes a Chancellor's Fellow at the Centre, following successful application to the prestigious 5-year tenure track scheme.

Photo of Samanta Mariani next to University of Edinburgh logo on navy background

Samanta's research focuses on the role of embryonic macrophages in health and disease. She will study the hypothesis that embryonic macrophages become leukaemia-associated macrophages during the onset and the early progression of MLL-AF9 infant leukaemia. Macrophages are a type of immune cell or 'leukocyte' with many roles in the body.

 The final aim of this research is to find new therapeutic strategies to treat the disease.

Dr Mariani will also explore the role of embryonic macrophages in steady-state haematopoiesis, to understand how they contribute to haematopoietic (blood) stem cell generation.

Chancellor's Fellowships are designed to support early career researchers and innovators to develop their careers in a supportive, world-leading environment. 

Read more about the Chancellor's Fellowship scheme