DEFINE is a clinical study which aims to test promising new therapies in small numbers of COVID-19 patients.

This clinical study will compare promising additional treatments against standard care (i.e. only treatments given routinely by your doctor/nurse) in patients who are experiencing different symptoms of COVID-19, either in the community or in a hospital environment. In order to assess how well the treatments are working, the study team will look at how safe and tolerable certain treatments are, and also measure small molecules in the blood and other samples called biomarkers. Biomarkers are molecules normally found in blood, other body fluids, or tissues and can be a sign of a normal or abnormal process, or of a condition or disease. In addition, knowing how certain biomarkers change (or not) with certain treatments will help us to understand how to tailor therapies for future COVID-19 patients.

The DEFINE clinical study is an Urgent Public Health (UPH) badged study which means this research will have an impact on public health within 12 months and that the science underpinning the proposed study is compelling. 

You can learn more about the different aspects of the study by using the links below.

Visit the STOPCOVID webpages

Participant Information

The following documents contain information provided to participants in the DEFINE study.



About the study


If you would like to ask about this study, please contact us.

Contact the DEFINE team

Logos of DEFINE collaborators, including LifeArc, NHS Lothian and Accord.

Funders and collaborators

This adaptive trial platform is funded by LifeArc.

The study is sponsored by the University of Edinburgh and NHS Lothian through ACCORD.

The study has been given a favourable ethical opinion by the Scotland A ethics committee, the regulator and local Research and Development Departments.