Local Scout group learn about immunology with Supercytes

November 2021 - CIR Researcher, Chengcan Yao, led a local Scout group through CIR's educational immunology resource, Supercytes.

Supercytes immune cells and card designs
Supercytes immune cells and cards

On the evening of Monday 15 November, Dr Yao visited the Marchmont St Giles’ Parish Church in Edinburgh to run science activities with 20 Scouts from the 44th Braid District Cubs club (a brunch of the South East Scotland Scouts). Dr Yao spent the evening with this group of 7-11 year olds, discussing immunology and leading them through the fun, interactive Supercytes card game.

Supercytes is about having fun with biology and encouraging an early interest in science. It explores themes of white blood cells, immunology, and how our bodies fight infection.

The Scout group loved being able to talk to a real scientist, and suprised Dr Yao with their insightful questions about research and immunology.

The children were very interested in both the presentation and the game. Most children responded to my questions very well and had their own interesting questions too. 

Dr. Chengcan Yao
Reader / MRC Career Development Award (CDA ) Fellow


Find out more:

Chengcan Yao

Supercytes Website