IRR takes part in BioQuarter primary school STEM clubs

Over the course of five weeks, scientists and researchers from across the Edinburgh BioQuarter will deliver a series of STEM clubs for local primary schools. 

12 headshots of the 2022 BioQuarter STEM club volunteers, grouped together
2022 BioQuarter STEM Club volunteers

Following on from last year's successful BioQuarter STEM Club Online, the BioQuarter STEM Club Team has organised another series of activities and experiements for 2022. Engaging with six classes at four local primary schools, 16 BioQuarter scientists and engagement professionals will interact with 163 students every Wednesday afternoon for five consecutive weeks.

This year's STEM club theme is the human body. Over the course of the five sessions, pupils will learn about the heart, lungs, the brain, cells, micro-organisms, and DNA. They will get a chance to chat virtually to BioQuarter scientists while they complete various activities and experiments. Additionally, each week one class will also receive an in-person visit from a scientist-in-residence, to help explain the experiments and connect with the pupils.


Find out more:

BioQuarter STEM Clubs