Bone Cancer Research Trust - Strictly Come Researching

July 2017: Strictly Come Researching pump prime award for the project entitled "Targeting the Hippo Pathway for Osteosarcoma Therapy" presented to Dr Carsten Hansen and collaborators.

Dr Carsten Hansen of the MRC Centre for Inflammation Research attended the annual Bone Cancer Research Trust membership meeting on Saturday 22 July.  It is a meeting where patients, previous patients, friends, relatives and scientists mix, talk, present and where invited scientists pitch their work.

Dr Carsten's group was awarded a Strictly Come Researching pump prime award for the project entitled "Targeting the Hippo Pathway for Osteosarcoma Therapy".  Professor Donald Salter (Pathology/CGEM/IGMM) and Dr Pierre Bagnaninchi (SCRM) are other team members on the award.

Bone cancer is an understudied rare type of cancer, mostly occurring in children and adolescents.  Whereas new successful treatments have increased the survival rates amongst many other types of cancers, this is not the case for bone cancer where treatment has not changed over the past 20 years.


Bone Cancer Research Trust website