Research focused on cancer in children and young people. Professor Hamish Wallace, a Paediatric Oncologist, has published widely on the late effects of the treatment of cancer in young people and focussed particularly on the effects of treatment on fertility and reproduction. He has led an International study on Hodgkin lymphoma with the express aim of avoiding radiotherapy in selected responsive patients and avoiding drugs that affect fertility in all young patients. He has, with others, developed ovarian tissue cryopreservation in Edinburgh for selected patients at high risk of premature menopause. Professor Wallace is clinical director of the Wallace-Kelsey Research Foundation, a charity with a remit to sponsor multidisciplinary and collaborative research projects aimed at improving the quality of life for childhood cancer survivors. Dr Rod Mitchell is a Paediatric Endocrinologist leading a clinical research project on fertility preservation for young males treated for cancer. Edinburgh recently became the first UK Centre to develop a fertility preservation programme to store testicular tissue from young boys with cancer prior to their treatment, as part of the 'Edinburgh Fertility Preservation’ programme. The UKRI funded laboratory research programme involves understanding the effects of chemotherapy exposure on the prepubertal testis and developing strategies to protect or restore fertility children with cancer. Professor Hamish Wallace - Researcher Profile Dr Rod Mitchell - Researcher Profile Wallace-Kelsey Research Foundation This article was published on 2024-09-10