Teacher class quiz submissions

Teachers can submit compiled quiz scores for their whole class here

When should you use this page?

If your class cannot take the Supercytes quizzes online, then please use the PowerPoint quiz and/or Word quiz answers sheets in the Supercytes resource pack to undertake these quizzes offline instead.

BEFORE using Supercytes: The teacher / leader can add up the total number of correct answers for the class in the PRE-quiz and input those data below.

AFTER using Supercytes: The teacher / leader can add up the total number of correct answers for the class in the POST-quiz and input those data below.

This will advance the status of your school’s icon on our Supercytes map and help us see how the resource is working.

Internet Explorer users

If you are using Internet Explorer (IE) versions 9, 10 or 11 – please use an alternative browser, or the following link to complete the registration form:

Submit quiz results using IE 9, 10 or 11

N.B. There are no known issues with Chrome, Firefox, IE (versions 14 or 15) or Safari.

Terms of Use

If we use your material we will publish your school name, description and teacher/leader name as you provide it (unless you ask us not to) but we will never publish your email address or pack ID. You own the copyright if whatever you post or upload is completely new and original. That usually means it doesn’t contain anyone else’s content, like videos and music. For anything that contains content made by someone else, the copyright may belong to them. So you’ll usually need to get their permission before posting or uploading it.

Privacy Statement

Information about you - how we use it:

The information you provide in connection with receiving, being trained in and/or using the Supercytes resources, will be used by the University of Edinburgh to enable us to send you the Supercytes resources you have requested (also ensuring the limits on the number of resource packs per school are adhered to); to liaise with you with regard to any resultant pupil quiz entries (including providing you with private personalised feedback on their anonymous quiz scores), competition entries and feedback received in connection with Supercytes; to offer you Supercytes training, corrections and additions to the resource pack; to allow us to collect basic metrics on how and where the Supercytes resource is being used (as an essential feedback to enable funding of educational resources of this nature); to indicate the participation of your school/group on our online Supercytes map; and to enable the award of prizes and certificates where applicable.

We are using information about you on the basis that it is a legitimate interest, to enable us to provide you with the Supercytes resources and/or training that you have requested. This data processing enables you to receive the Supercytes educational resources and participate in this University run educational opportunity.

Unless you ask us to remove your data, we will hold the personal data you provided us for a maximum of ten years after your last active participation in the project, after which only the details of the participating school will be retained for project reporting purposes.

We do not use profiling or automated decision-making processes.

If you wish to change your details, have your data removed, or request a copy of the information we hold about you, please email MeetCIR@ed.ac.uk or write to us at Donald Davidson, University of Edinburgh Centre for Inflammation Research, Queen's Medical Research Institute, W2.05, 47 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh EH16 4TJ.

This privacy statement is continued at:

Continued privacy statement